Tracking Necklace For Dementia

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If you are concerned about a loved one with dementia, you may want to consider using a tracking device. These devices can help you locate your loved one and give you peace of mind.

There are many different options available. However, you should think about how you feel about wearing a tracking device. Consider the tradeoffs between safety and privacy. You should also take into account your own values.

For example, some people believe that a tracking device will increase their personal freedom. Others worry that it will invade their privacy.

One popular option is a GPS tracker. These devices can be worn on a belt, in a wallet or shoe. They provide real-time updates on where the wearer is.

Another option is a pendant. The Alerta Patch & Wedge System is designed for family members of people with dementia. It can be placed on the upper back of the care recipient and is comfortable.

A third option is a GPS tracker that can be attached to a boat or a pet collar. This will allow you to track your loved one's location, even if he or she is in a wheelchair.

There are also smart watches that can be used as a tracking device. They offer features such as medication alerts and location. call buttons for elderly medical alert button As dementia progresses, they can be upgraded.

If you are unsure what device to choose, the Alzheimer Society of Canada created a PDF info sheet with a number of options.