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Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine Review

Looks good, works well and is easy to use and clean. Buyers also appreciate the fact that it can keep hot coffee for up to 2 hours more than many other machines can.

This filter coffee maker was specifically designed to accept ground coffee. It also comes with useful features, including an alarm clock that can be programable and an automatic power off. It also features a useful water-level indicator and extended heat retention.


One of the primary reasons that buyers opt for this filter coffee maker is because it makes an enormous amount of hot, steaming coffee at the touch of the button. This is an advantage over other models that might just make a cup of slightly warm coffee or cups. It does this by using the use of a heat exchanger that ensures that the water is at the right temperature while brewing.

This model also makes use of a permanent reusable filter to allow users to cut down on the costs (and environmental impact) of purchasing disposable paper filters. It is also easy to clean. Simply remove the lid, glass tank, and jug and wash them with soapy tap water. Wipe down all other components of the device. It is simple to use, with a clear LED display that shows the timer's settings and an indicator for power. It can be programmed to turn on at a specific time it is a useful feature for people who like to wake up early and enjoy their coffee before going to work or school.

It is crucial to clean your filter coffee machine frequently to avoid the buildup of minerals. This can be done by following the manufacturer's instructions or using a commercial descaling solution. The machine also features a handy water level indicator that makes it easy to track the amount of water inside the unit at any time.

Another feature that buyers really appreciate is the fact that it allows them to set a timer for brewing and the coffee is ready when they wake up in the morning. Many buyers also say that they find it user-friendly and love the fact that many of its components (the lid, jug and tank) are dishwasher-safe. This makes it easy to clean after using. Finally, this model has 4 water hardness settings so it can be adjusted to suit the type of water used at home. This means that the quality of your filter coffee will be consistent, whatever the water conditions are like.


The Optima Timer Coffee Machine has a modern, elegant design that looks great in the kitchen. It is also easy to clean and use. Simply place your favourite ground coffee in the filter and pour water over it. After about six minutes, you will have a pot of deliciously prepared coffee. This model also has a water tank that is removable which makes it easy to fill up and clean the appliance.

The machine can be used with fresh or re-ground coffee and is designed to accommodate both. It is also possible to modify the flavor of the coffee by using the AromaSelector dial. This dial controls the amount of water that drips through the filter and affects the final taste.

Customers have given this model very positive feedback and say that it's worth the cost. They are enthralled by the fact that it keeps their coffee hot for up to two hours after it's been brewed, which is more than the majority of filter coffee machines can manage.

One feature that customers love is the ability to set a timer, to ensure that their coffee is ready when they get up. This feature is great for people who have a busy schedule or don't like to waste time in the mornings making coffee.

The appliance is also easy to clean, as many users have commented. The glass lid, jug, and the majority of the other parts are dishwasher-safe which is a great way to keep the appliance in good condition. Most of the components can be cleaned with a quick wipe.

The jug featured in this model has a maximum capacity of one litre capacity, which is plenty to fill four standard coffee cups. The machine also has an extended keep-hot function that allows it to run for up to 2 hours. This is a decent amount of time for many users. This feature is able to be turned off if desired. The Optima also has an on/off light that can be illuminated which is a nice addition that improves user-friendliness and ease of use. It also has a feature that automatically shuts down the machine after a certain time of inactivity. This improves energy efficiency and safety.

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This is an espresso maker with a filter from a well-known manufacturer that is surprisingly affordable. It's a little smaller than other machines with lower prices, but still makes an excellent cup of coffee, and has an attractive design to match. It has some great features such as an auto limescale protecter with a programmable timer as well as an indicator of the water level. AromaSelector dial at the top allows you to subtly adjust the flavour. It works a bit like a fan and pushes the water through the filter. This can have a slight influence on the overall taste of the coffee but will not alter the strength.

This machine is easy-to-use and has a large, easy-to read LED display that lists the various options and functions for brewing. It comes with an insulated water tank that can be removed and a filter basket that is easy to clean. There is also a drip stop function as well as a descaling light and a drip stop. You can select between fine or coarsely ground beans, and a variety of brew strength. You can pick between 8 large cups and 10 small cups (1.2-litre jug) which is a good choice if you prefer your coffee in cups.

A programmable clock lets you to set up the machine in advance and wake up to freshly brewed coffee. You can select a brewing duration between 30 minutes and 120 minutes. This gives you plenty of flexibility. The programmable timer is also extremely useful if you're running short of time in the morning, so you can set up your coffee to brew while you get ready.

The majority of buyers are extremely satisfied with the performance of the machine. It's easy to use and makes fantastic cup of coffee. The extended heat retention feature is a great benefit. Most machines can keep coffee hot for 30 minutes, however this one will keep it hot for 2 hours.

This machine has been designed for ease of use and efficiency. It is finished in a sleek black to improve the appearance of your kitchen. You can also program it to start brewing a specific time. This is a fantastic feature for busy families.


The Optima Timer 100801 filter coffee machine by Melitta offers a high-quality product that makes the perfect cup of espresso each time. Its sleek black finish adds a touch sophistication to any kitchen counter. its easy to use control panel makes it easy to navigate the options for brewing. filter coffee machine with timer enables you to set it for the night before, and wake up with the scent of freshly made espresso.

The machine is also able to adjust to the hardness of your water and will inform you if descaling is necessary. It is a bit more expensive than some of the other filter coffee machines on the market, but it will produce a superior cup of coffee and will look good on your countertop in your kitchen.