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Revision as of 19:55, 21 November 2023 by Openn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "700px|frameless|center|OPENN {{#txtscrl:NEWS.NPO.DIGITAL|Official Public European Netherlands Network|Welcome Great User! Is already {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAYNAME}} week {{CURRENTWEEK}}, Time for read / write some news? Welcome to! '''NEW PLATFORM RULES BY THE EU:''' In a digital age where the internet has become an integral part of everyday life, the European Union has introduced the Digital Services Act to regulate online...")
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Official Public European Netherlands Network
Welcome Great User! Is already June Monday week 25, Time for read / write some news? Welcome to!@br@@br@'''NEW PLATFORM RULES BY THE EU:'''@br@In a digital age where the internet has become an integral part of everyday life, the European Union has introduced the Digital Services Act to regulate online platforms and protect users. The act aims to counter illegal goods, services, and content online by giving users the ability to flag such content and platforms the obligation to cooperate with trusted flaggers. The new legislation also requires platforms to be transparent about their algorithms and to take necessary measures to prevent abuse. Small and micro-enterprises are exempt from the most costly obligations, but are free to follow the best practices. The single set of rules for the entire EU will create the right conditions for cross-border digital services to prosper and help small players develop services that protect users from illegal activities. The member states will have the primary role in enforcing the act, supported by a new European Board for Digital Services, while larger platforms will be subject to enhanced supervision and enforcement by the Commission. The Digital Services Act is a crucial step towards creating a safe and fair online environment for all.

NEW PLATFORM RULES BY THE EU: In a digital age where the internet has become an integral part of everyday life, the European Union has introduced the Digital Services Act to regulate online platforms and protect users. The act aims to counter illegal goods, services, and content online by giving users the ability to flag such content and platforms the obligation to cooperate with trusted flaggers. The new legislation also requires platforms to be transparent about their algorithms and to take necessary measures to prevent abuse. Small and micro-enterprises are exempt from the most costly obligations, but are free to follow the best practices. The single set of rules for the entire EU will create the right conditions for cross-border digital services to prosper and help small players develop services that protect users from illegal activities. The member states will have the primary role in enforcing the act, supported by a new European Board for Digital Services, while larger platforms will be subject to enhanced supervision and enforcement by the Commission. The Digital Services Act is a crucial step towards creating a safe and fair online environment for all.
ABUSE:-MISBRUIK: But we believe that everyone should be able to say anything as long as it stays within the law, and that's what we do. Het verhaal van Marie Marie had altijd een hechte band met haar man, maar op een dag veranderde alles. Haar man begon haar fysiek en emotioneel te misbruiken. Marie wist niet wat ze moest doen en voelde zich machteloos. Totdat ze besefte dat ze hulp nodig had en besloot naar Veilig Thuis te gaan. Daar ontving ze de steun en hulp die ze nodig had om uit de situatie te komen. Ze leerde haar waardigheid en kracht terug te vinden.
The story of Marie Marie always had a close relationship with her husband, but one day everything changed. Her husband began to physically and emotionally abuse her. Marie didn't know what to do and felt helpless. Until she realized that she needed help and decided to go to Safe Home. There she received the support and help she needed to get out of the situation. She learned to find her dignity and strength again.
According to the new European legislation we also try to pre-filter certain words so that certain words do not appear in the pages.

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